IATA Dangerous Goods Label Sticker 國際空運標準危險品標籤
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$32.00 - Regular price
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IATA Dangerous Goods Label Sticker
50張 HKD$32.00
At XOBOX, we offer our customers over 30 types of commonly used hazardous goods label stickers, covering a wide range of dangerous materials. These labels include, but are not limited to, warning labels for flammable items, toxic substances, radioactive materials, corrosive goods, as well as various labels specifically designed for lithium battery transportation. Our comprehensive product range fully meets the diverse industry and transportation needs, ensuring that hazardous goods are correctly identified and handled during transit. It is worth emphasizing that all of our label stickers strictly adhere to the latest standards and regulations set by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), guaranteeing their compliance and effectiveness in international transportation. This not only helps to improve transport safety but also ensures that goods smoothly pass through various inspections and customs procedures.
爆炸性物品標籤(Explosive Label)可用於標識 1.1、1.2 和 1.3 類爆炸品:
外觀:標籤通常呈現橙色背景,上面有一個黑色爆炸符號。 用途:用於標識具有爆炸危險的物質和物品,如炸藥、煙花等。 重要性:這種標籤提醒處理人員極度小心,並遵守嚴格的安全規程。 |
易燃氣體標籤(Flammable Gas Label),用於標識含有易燃氣體的包裝或容器。
非易燃、無毒氣體標籤(Non-flammable, Non-toxic Gas Label)是一種用於標識特定類型氣體的重要危險品警示標籤。
有毒氣體標籤(Toxic Gas Label),用於標識含有有毒氣體的包裝或容器。
易燃液體標籤(Flammable Liquids Label),用於標識易燃液體物質。
易燃固體標籤(Flammable Solid Label),用於標識易燃固體物質。
易於自燃物質(Spontaneously Combustible Substances)是一種特殊類型的危險品,它們在正常運輸條件下容易自發性地燃燒。
在國際運輸中,包括航空運輸,這類物質需要特殊的包裝和處理程序,以確保安全。 |
遇水危險標籤(Dangerous When Contact With Water Label),用於標識與水接觸時會產生危險反應的物質。
氧化性物質標籤(Oxidizing Substances Label),用於標識氧化性物質。
有機過氧化物標籤(Organic Peroxides Label),用於標識有機過氧化物。
處理這類物質時需要特別小心,確保適當的溫度控制和安全存儲條件。 |
毒性物質標籤(Toxic Substances Label),用於標識具有毒性的物質。
處理這類物質時需要特別小心,確保適當的包裝、存儲和運輸條件,以防止泄漏或接觸。在國際運輸中,包括航空運輸,這類物質需要遵守嚴格的規定和程序,以確保安全。 |
傳染性物質標籤(Infectious Substance Label),用於標識可能含有病原體的物質。
處理這類物質時需要特別小心,確保適當的包裝、存儲和運輸條件,以防止泄漏或接觸。在國際運輸中,包括航空運輸,這類物質需要遵守嚴格的規定和程序,以確保安全和防止疾病傳播。 |
放射性第1類物質標籤(Radioactive Category I Label)是用於標識低輻射水平放射性物質的警示標籤。
放射性第II類物質標籤(Radioactive Category II Label)是用於標識中等輻射水平放射性物質的警示標籤。
放射性第III類物質標籤(Radioactive Category III Label)是用於標識高輻射水平放射性物質的警示標籤。
腐蝕性物質標籤(Corrosive Substance Label),用於標識具有腐蝕性的物質。以下是關於這種標籤的簡要介紹:
腐蝕性物質可能包括強酸(如硫酸、鹽酸)、強鹼(如氫氧化鈉)、以及某些氧化劑。處理這類物質時需要特別小心,避免與皮膚、眼睛或其他敏感組織接觸,並確保適當的包裝和存儲條件。 |
雜項危險物質(Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods)是指那些不屬於其他主要危險品類別,但仍然具有潛在危險性的物質。以下是關於這類物質的簡要介紹:
各類鋰電池(Miscellaneous Lithium Battery),屬於第9類危險品,即雜項危險物質(Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods)的一部分。
在國際運輸中,包括航空運輸,鋰電池同樣需要遵守相關的安全規定和處理程序。這是因為鋰電池在某些情況下可能會引起火災或爆炸,特別是在運輸過程中受到損壞或短路時。 每種類型的鋰電池都有特定的安全要求和運輸規定。例如,某些高容量的鋰電池可能需要額外的保護措施或可能被禁止空運。 |
磁性物質(Magnetized Material)是屬於雜項危險物質(第9類危險品)的一種。
處理和運輸磁性物質時,需要遵循特定的規定和指南,以確保安全和避免對其他貨物或運輸工具造成干擾。 |
Cargo Aircraft Only"(僅限貨運機)標籤的使用確實是根據IATA(國際航空運輸協會)的規定和各地航空管制而定的。這個標籤的應用涉及多個因素,包括危險品的類別、數量以及特定國家的規定。
這些差異意味著一種物質在某個國家可能被允許在客機上運輸,而在另一個國家則必須使用貨機。因此,航空公司和貨運代理必須熟悉不同國家的具體要求。 |
低溫液體標籤(Cryogenic Liquid Label)是用於標識極低溫液體的警示標籤。以下是關於這種標籤的簡要介紹:
這種標籤的使用對於確保低溫液體在運輸和處理過程中的安全至關重要,有助於預防潛在的事故和傷害。 |
向上標籤This Way Up,也稱為"箭頭向上"或"保持直立"標籤,是一種常見的貨物處理標籤。
這種標籤在國際貨運中廣泛使用,是確保貨物安全運輸的重要工具之一。 |
遠離熱源/怕曬標籤Keep Away From Heat是一種常見的警告標籤,用於標識需要避免高溫或陽光直射的貨物。
在國際運輸中,包括航空運輸,這種標籤的使用有助於確保溫度敏感貨物的適當處理和存儲。 |
放射性物質豁免包裝標籤(Radioactive Material Excepted Package Label)是一種專用的警告標籤,用於標識含有少量放射性物質的包裝。
這種標籤的使用是國際運輸安全規範的一部分,特別是在航空運輸中,它有助於確保即使是低放射性物質也能得到適當的識別和處理。 |
環境有害物質(Environmentally Hazardous Substances)標籤是用於標識可能對生態環境造成重大危害的化學品或物質。
在國際運輸中,包括航空運輸,使用這種標籤有助於確保環境有害物質得到適當的識別、處理和運輸,從而減少對環境的潛在危害。 |
Limited Quantities Mark(限量Y標記)是一種用於標識符合限量規定的危險品包裝的標記。
這種標記在國際運輸中廣泛使用,特別是在航空貨運中,它有助於識別和處理符合特定限量要求的危險品包裝。 |
鋰電池UN編碼標籤(Lithium Battery UN Label)是一種重要的危險品警告標籤,用於標識含有鋰電池的包裝。
這種標籤的使用是確保鋰電池安全運輸的重要組成部分,因為鋰電池在某些情況下可能會引起火災或爆炸。正確使用這種標籤有助於確保運輸過程中的安全處理和識別。遵循最新的IATA規定,包括移除聯絡資料,進一步增強了運輸安全性和標準化。 |
UN3480 鋰離子電池 便攜式充電寶(尿袋), 可拆式手機備用電池, 可拆式無人機電池 |
UN3481 含在設備中的鋰離子電池 智能手機 Iphone, 平板電腦 Ipad, 電子閱讀器 |
UN3090 鋰金屬電池 手錶電池-餅電, 遙控器電池-筆芯電 |
UN3091 含在設備中的鋰金屬電池 電子溫度計, 電子血壓計, 電子體重秤 |
XOBOX.HK | 專營各類紙箱及包裝產品
歡迎批發及零售、常備現成紙箱‧紙盒 - 提供特別訂造服務。
電郵 E-mail : info@xobox.hk
或聯絡 2416-1887 查詢。
※ 提供送貨服務或預約自取, 地址:荃灣海盛路九號有線大樓2301室
Door to Door or GOGOVAN-Same day Delivery
You can choose a variety of delivery services during checkout.
Goods must be delivered via stairs and customers are required to pay for the staircase delivery fee.
Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi District --- Delivery fee is HKD$120, free delivery for orders over HKD$900.
New Territories / Kowloon --- Delivery fee is HKD$200, free delivery for orders over HKD$1200.
Hong Kong Island --- Delivery fee is HKD$250, free delivery for orders over HKD$1500. Tung Chung, Chek Lap Kok --- Shipping fee HKD$250.
Contact for More: (+852)24161887
Purchase stock units directly from our store
Welcome to our store at any time to purchase all the ready-made products.
To avoid waiting when customers visit, you can notify us in advance to pick up the goods.
24161887 Address: Room 2301, Cable Building, 9 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan
Monday to Friday: 9:00am-12: 30pm | 2:00pm-7:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am-3:30pm (Please make an appointment in advance if you need to pick up at other times)
Contact for More: (+852)24161887
Customers can pick up their orders at the XOBOX store during office hours. Please notify us in advance so we can prepare your items.
Delivery options:
- XOBOX Home Delivery: Typically delivered within 3 working days.
- GOGOVAN Same-Day Delivery: Roadside pickup.
For more details or inquiries, please refer to the information below or contact us at 2416-1887 / WhatsApp 5233-8662.
Pick up period
Mon-Fri: 9:00am-7:30pm (Please make an appointment for pick-up at other times)
Sat: 9:00am-3:30pm (Please make an appointment for pick-up at other times)
You can also send courier to pick up the order. We can provide customers with the total weight and volume of the received goods if needed.
Please let's us know before you come to pick up, we will prepare your order for you.
Pick-up Address: 2301, 9 Hoi Shing Road.
Parking and Pickup: There is a hourly car park in the cable TV building, 1st floor parking - 5.5-15 tons vehicles and vans, 2nd floor - 5.5 ton vehicles, vans or private cars.
GOGOVAN same-day delivery service (Roadside pickup)
Please select Click "GoGoVan (Roadside pickup)" when placing an order. Delivery service is available to all districts in Hong Kong (excluding outlying islands).
GOGOVAN Delivery Hours
Mon-Fri: 10am-12pm, 2pm-5pm, 6:30pm-7:30pm (Please make an appointment for pick-up at other times)
Sat: 10am-3:30pm (Please make an appointment for pick-up at other times)
GOGOVAN orders will be launched from "Tsuen Wan
The GOGOVAN option will be available once the 'City' of your shipping address is filled.
It is recommended to inform the GOGOVAN driver a location where his/her vehicle can be parked for a short time.
GOGOVAN delivery will only be shipped on ground and pick up at roadside. If you need to deliver door to door, you would have to pay an additional charges to the driver, normally it will be around $300~$600 on top, depending the weight and volume.
If you need "door to door delivery", you may choose "XOBOX local freight", which usually take within four working days.
*Please leave your WhatsApp/mobile phone number in order for us to arrange the delivery.
(If you need to schedule GOGOVAN during peak or holiday periods, there may be an additional delivery fee of approximately $15 to $30.)
Local Delivery ( Door to Door )
Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi District --- HKD$120, free shipping over HKD$900.
New Territories/Kowloon District --- HKD$200, free shipping over HKD$1200.
Hong Kong Island --- HKD$250, free shipping over HKD$1500.
Ma Wan, Tung Chung, Chek Lap Kok --- HKD$250.
We provide delivery service to residential/industrial buildings in various districts of Hong Kong (excluding outlying islands)
XOBOX local freight service is a door-to-door delivery service.
If there are the stairs to go for to the delivery site, please inform that to our customer service 24161887 in advance. There is an extra service charge as a stair removal fee, which is up to a maximum of four floors (*13 steps in each section are one floor). If necessary, we will contact the customer and change the delivery point to the ground / road aside in stead.
If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English content in the website (including all privacy policies and terms of use), the Chinese version shall prevail.
Order Amount | below $800 | $801-$1,600 | $1,601-$2,400 | $2,401-$3,200 |
Cost / Floor level | $50 | $100 | $150 | $200 |
Order Amount over $3,200 or above will be quoted specifically。**The above prices will be charged and collected from our delivery team appointed by XOBOX, a receipt will be provided separately. |
Our paper products are all made from environmentally friendly recyclable materials and can be recycled into new paper products.
Custom design sizes and print colors available
We can produce custom paper boxes with customizable dimensions and printing colors. Please provide more details about the style, dimensions, and quantity requirements to info@xobox.hk. We will get back to you with a quote and relevant production details as soon as possible.