Terms and Conditions 條款及細則
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歡迎來到XOBOX.HK 以下的使用條款適用於xobox ("xobox"、"我們")及用戶("閣下")及xobox.hk ("本網站")。如閣下對以下條款有任何意見或反對,閣下需以書面與我們聯絡及取得同意。閣下訪問我們的網站和/或從網站購買產品,則代表閣下同意及遵守以下使用條款。如閣下不同意以下或任何本網站上的條款,歡迎閣下於購物前或任何時候與我們聯絡。
1. 遵守法律 xobox.hk屬'廣利紙品有限公司'乃根據香港法律成立的公司。本公司於香港營運並符合所有香港法律和法規。本公司提供的所有產品均符合香港所有法律的要求及規格。我們不能確保該等產品符合顧客所在地特定之法律要求及規格。 2. 付款及工具
Shopify Payments 是支付和金融科技領域的全球領導者,為 100 多個國家/地區的數千家金融機構和數百萬家企業提供服務。使用 256 位擴展驗證證書 (EV) SSL 交易加密,客戶的支付細節被安全地傳輸到收單銀行、銀行卡和支付公司,以進行實時交易授權。最先First Data 支持CVV/CVC 檢查以及Visa 和MasterCard 的3-D 安全認證,即:VISA驗證,MasterCard安全代碼 為客戶和商家提供額外的安全保護。 3. 運單處理 所有訂單均通過本公司指定的運輸: XOBOX本地貨運服務為上門送貨服務 或GOGOVAN 運送至香港對應地區。運費是在購買時確定的運輸選項和目的地。送貨費用將在結帳階段添加到您的訂單中,您可以在下訂單前查看運費。如果免費送貨適用,則除非另有說明,否則它適用於最低成本的送貨選項。免費送貨可能會隨時更改或停止。 XOBOX.HK不運送到禁區或離島。 XOBOX.HK 有權拒絕向任何訂單發貨。 有關詳細的運送時間及資料,可參閱網站上的派送方式或聯絡我們。 4. 產品品質 我們已盡力確保產品品質,但因應不同紙料批次,紙品色彩會有差異,我們無法保證紙品顏色完全一致準確。我們不保證閣下購買或獲得的任何產品、服務、信息或其他資料的質素符合閣下預期。如閣下有任何問題,歡迎通過電郵至info@xobox.hk 與我們聯絡。 5. 修改產品資料及價格 我們有權隨時變更產品描述或價格、制定產品的發售數量及隨時停止發售任何產品,恕不另行通知。我們不會對閣下或任何第三方的任何修改、價格更改、暫停或停止服務承擔任何責任。 6. 版權 本網站內所有圖片、設計、標誌、服務標誌及商標,都屬於xobox.hk Guang Li Paper Products Limited 及/或其合法分銷商所有。所有本網站的內容包括設計、文章、圖片、標誌、按鈕鍵、形象、軟件、聲音資料的任何改動、抽取、收集、重組及集結皆受香港及國際版權業及任何可引用的知識產權法例所保護。於沒有我們的同意之下,閣下不得侵犯或違反版權法或他方的知識產權,包括複製、修改、擅自展示、編碼、傳送、分發xobox.hk網站上的產品相片、內容、源代碼及任何部份。閣下不得將本網站用於任何商業目的,包括促銷或廣告宣傳任何商品、服務或機遇,閣下不得使用本網站徵求其他網站訪問者或用戶訪問或成為其成員,訂閱或註冊與任何商業在線服務或其他組織,和/或收集或儲存個人數據或試圖收集或儲存有關本網站其他用戶的個人數據。 在xobox.hk網站或內容中出現的所有商標、商品名稱、徽標和商業外觀,無論是已註冊還是未註冊(統稱為“商標”),均屬於xobox.hk Guang Li Paper Products Limited所有。 未經我們的書面許可,閣下不得使用或複制這些商標或製作任何令人混淆的相似商標。 7.用戶內容 如果閣下向我們提交有關我們的產品和服務的任何反饋或想法,則表示閣下轉讓並同意xobox.hk Guang Li Paper Products Limited擁有對此類反饋或此類反饋於產品或服務中所體現的全部權利、所有權和利益。任何閣下所提交內容都將被視為非機密。 閣下承認閣下所提交、上傳、發佈或以其他方式提供的任何信息,個人資料、訊息、文字、文件、圖像、照片或其他內容或材料(“用戶內容”)負責或承擔責任。通過網站或其他方式(“提交內容”)向xobox.hk Guang Li Paper Products Limited或其供應商提供,包括閣下同意允許在第三方公司網站上使用的用戶內容。此類提交內容可能會在本網站 和/或 其他 xobox.hk 產品 和/或 營銷材料上使用,包括電子郵件、社交媒體和商店標牌。xobox.hk 沒有義務陳列,展示或使用任何提交內容,但可以自行決定。除本文另有明確規定外,任何提交內容也將被視為非專有。 閣下進一步聲明並保證閣下的提交內容不構成或包含軟件病毒,商業推銷,連鎖信件,群發郵件或任何形式的“垃圾郵件”。閣下不能使用虛假的電子郵件地址,冒充任何人或機構,或以其他方式誤導xobox.hk任何提交的來源。 閣下承認並同意xobox.hk無法控制任何第三方對任何提交內容的使用(包括但不限於重新發佈)或濫用所造成的任何損害,並且不承擔任何責任。 8. 免責聲明 本網站及其內容是在現有資料的基礎上提供。在現行法律最大容許的情況下,本網站清楚明示不提供任何明示或默示的擔保(除了適用法律已隱含的條例外),包含但不限於任何產品的所有權、商業適售性、質量保證、特定目的之適用性及未侵害第三方的權利。xobox.hk不保證本網站提供的資訊內容、資料、產品及/或服務將符合閣下的要求,亦不保證該等資訊內容、資料、產品及/或服務的使用獲得不受干擾、及時提供、安全可靠或免於出錯。xobox.hk不保證由本網站提供的資訊內容、資料、產品或服務之使用而取得的結果正確、可靠、完整或及時。xobox.hk亦不保證軟件及硬件中的任何錯誤都將得到改正。xobox.hk不對經由或透過本網站購買或取得之任何產品及服務作出任何保證。 本網站只提供網上購物之場所,因此xobox.hk並不會因使用本網站、或由於本網站所含的或以其他方式通過本網站提供內容、資料、產品及╱或服務或因購買及使用網上所購之產品所引起的任何損失而作直接、間接、意外、衍生性的及懲罰性的損害賠償(包括金錢利益及無形的損失)及負上法律責任。使用在本網站購買的產品之前,請小心閱讀在產品上或包裝內的產品資料、用法及注意事項,xobox.hk並不會對這資料或本網站所引用或轉載的相關資料的準確性、完整性、可靠性,對某特定用途之適用性,品質及可靠性負上任何責任,閣下應請在使用之前仔細分析這些資料。 9. 賠償及責任限制 若閣下於使用本網站時,因閣下違反訂購條款或任何行動而令xobox.hk招致損失,閣下同意賠償及彌償 xobox.hk 的損失、支出、毀壞及費用(包括合理的法律費用)。閣下同意xobox.hk不會爲閣下因使用本網站而招致的損失,負上任何法律責任,亦同意放棄追究xobox.hk任何賠償。如此項聲明不適用於個別的例子,xobox.hk的責任不會超過閣下於本網站購買產品或服務所付出的金額。 10. 其他網站連結 本網站會提供其他網站的連結,當閣下選按這些連結便會離開本網站。這些連結的網站並非在xobox.hk控制之內,故我們不會對該網站的內容、其連結網站的內容及其內容的更新及轉變負上責任。 本網站提供網站連結是爲了方便閣下,我們不會負責刊登或接收任何這些連結網站的內容,而這些網站的使用及內容也不能代表我們的立場。 11. 我們的私隱政策 當閣下使用本網站或於本網站購買任何產品,則表示閣下同意我們按私隱條款所列明的用途,使用閣下的資料。 12. 停止使用 當我們發現有任何危害本網站、第三者或違反法律的行爲,我們有權在不預先通知的情況下,暫停或終止任何人進入本網站的所有或部份網頁。 13. 條款修改 這些使用條款(包括網站內的其他條款)將會在有需要的時侯作出修改,故閣下在本網站購物之前,請先詳細閱讀使用條款、私隱條款及其他條款。 14. 法律監管 這些使用條款(包括網站內的其他條款)將受香港的法律監管及按香港特別行政區的法律理解,閣下同意香港特別行政區法庭對於任何關於使用條款及訂購條款的爭論及追討有專有的審判權。如網站中的中英內容(包括所有私隱政策及使用條款)如有任何差異,概以英文版本爲準。 |
Welcome XOBOX.HK
Shopify Payment is a global leader in payments and fintech, serving thousands of financial institutions and millions of businesses in more than 100 countries. Customers' payment details are securely transmitted to the acquiring bank, card, and payment companies for real-time transaction authorization using 256-bit Extended Validation Certificates (EV) SSL transaction encryption. First Data supports CVV/CVC check as well as 3-D secure authentication of Visa and MasterCard namely: Verified By VISA, MasterCard Secure Code for added security protection for both customers and merchant. 2. PAYMENT We accept all major credit cards via Shopify Payment. We accept payments in Hong Kong Dollars currency only. Shopify Payment is using relentless fraud screens, address (AVS) and card verification (CVV2) checks, and 128-bit encryption to keep you safe from fraud. All orders are subject to the supply of your billing address and telephone number which should match the details you have supplied to your bank. Incorrect information may delay or prevent your order from being processed. Shopify Payment is a global leader in payments and fintech, serving thousands of financial institutions and millions of businesses in more than 100 countries. Customers' payment details are securely transmitted to the acquiring bank, card, and payment companies for real-time transaction authorization using 256-bit Extended Validation Certificates (EV) SSL transaction encryption. First Data supports CVV/CVC check as well as 3-D secure authentication of Visa and MasterCard namely: Verified By VISA, MasterCard Secure Code for added security protection for both customers and merchant. 3. Shipping and handling All orders are shipped via the designated couriers, XOBOX delivery Door to Door service or GOGOVAN to the correspondent district areas in Hong Kong. Rates are determined shipping options and the destination at the point of purchase. Delivery charges will be added to your order at the checkout stage and you can check the rates before placing an order. If free shipping is applicable, it applies to the lowest-cost shipping option unless otherwise specified. Free shipping may be changed or discontinued at any time. XOBOX.HK does not ship to restricted area or outlying islands. XOBOX.HK holds the right to refuse shipping to any order. For more details of shipping and handling, please refer to our website or contact us 24161887. 4. PRODUCT Quality Please note that while we have tried to keep the best condition of products, we cannot promise the products, service, messages and other resources you obtained from us are the same as your expectation. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact us immediately via Inquiry or at info@xobox.hk 5. MODIFICATIONS OF PRODUCTS AND PRICES Prices, quantities, and options for our products are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the products without notice. We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension, or discontinuance of the products. 6. COPYRIGHT All content and the arrangement, photos, selection, look and feel of the Website, are the sole property of XOBOX.HK and Guang Li Paper Products Limited and/or our licensors and are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights law and international treaties. You don’t have any privileges or rights in the content, and you agree not to copy, reproduce, republish, reverse engineer, display, encode, transmit or distribute any part of the Website or the content, including product images and descriptions, without our express consent. You may not use the Website for any commercial purposes, including the promotion or advertisement of any goods, services, or opportunities, and you may not use xobox.hk website to solicit other website visitors or users to visit or become members of, subscribe to, or register with any commercial online service or other organization, and/or collect or store personal data or attempt to collect or store personal data about other users of the Website. All trademarks, trade names, logos, and trade dress, whether registered or unregistered (collectively the "Marks") that appear on the Website or in the content belong to xobox.hk Guang Li Paper Products Limited. You may not use or reproduce the Marks or any confusingly similar marks without our written consent. 7. USER CONTENT If you submit any feedback or ideas about our products and services to us, you hereby assign and agree to xobox.hk Guang Li Paper Products Limited has all right, title, and interest in and to such feedback or the embodiment of such feedback in products or services. Any Submission will be treated as non-confidential. You acknowledge that you are responsible for any information, profiles, messages, text, files, images, photos, video, music, sounds, or other content or materials (“User Content”) that you submit, upload, post, or otherwise provide or make available to xobox.hk or its vendors, on or through the Website or otherwise (“Submissions”), including User Content you agree to allow the use of that is on third party companies’ websites. Such Submissions may be used on the Website and/or on other xobox.hk products and/or marketing materials, including emails, social media, and store signage. xobox.hk reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to edit any Submission and to choose to include or not include such Submission on the Website or otherwise use the Submission. Any Submission also will be treated as non-proprietary, except as specifically set forth herein. You further represent and warrant that your Submissions do not constitute or contain software viruses, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings, or any form of "spam." You may not use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead xobox.hk as to the origin of any Submission. You acknowledge and agree that xobox.hk has no control over, and shall have no liability for any damages resulting from, the use (including, without limitation, re-publication) or misuse by any third party of any Submission. 8. DISCLAIMER The Website and its content are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied (except only as may be implied by applicable law). To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, xobox.hk expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied (except only as may be implied by applicable law), including but not limited to, warranties of title, implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of any intellectual property rights of the third party. xobox.hk makes no warranty that the content, materials, goods and/or service will meet your requirements, or that your access to the Website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; nor does xobox.hk make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of goods or services or as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information, content, materials obtained through this Website or that defects in software or hardware problems will be corrected. xobox.hk makes no warranty regarding any goods or services purchased or obtained through this Website. The Website is only providing a venue for the sale of products on its Website and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages (including damages for loss of profit or intangible loss) related to your use of the Website, or the content, materials, goods and/or service contained or provided under the Website or use of any of the products purchased at the Website. Please read all information, warranties, or warnings on or in the product packaging and labels before using any product purchased through the Website. xobox.hk shall not be liable for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose or quality of such products, or reliability of any information provided and it is your responsibility to evaluate such information. 9. INDEMNITY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Website from and against all losses, expenses, damages, and costs (including reasonable legal fees) arising from any breach of these Terms of Use or any other activity by you in connection with your use of the Website. You further agree that xobox.hk shall not be held liable howsoever for your use of the Website and you agree to waive all claims that you may have against the Website for any loss or damages you may sustain in connection with your use of the Website. In the event that this disclaimer is unenforceable, the total liability of xobox.hk, if any, for losses or damages shall not exceed the fees you paid for the particular service or product upon which liability is based. 10. LINKS TO OTHER SITES Occasionally, the Website may make available a link to a third party's website. These links will let you leave the Website. The linked sites are not under xobox.hk’s control and the Website is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. The Website is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any linked site. xobox.hk provides the links only as a convenience. xobox.hk does not endorse the site or its use or contents. 11. OUR PRIVACY POLICY By using the Website or placing an order on the Website, you agree to our use of information about you as described in our Privacy Policy. 12. TERMINATION The Website may terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the Website, without notice, for any conduct that the Website, in its sole discretion, believes is in violation of any applicable law or is harmful to xobox.hk or a third party. 13. MODIFICATION OF TERMS These Terms of Use (and including other terms of the Website) may be modified from time to time. You should therefore read these Terms of Use and the other terms before you place an order. 14. GOVERNING LAW These Terms of Use (and including other terms of the Website) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You irrevocably agree that the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim or dispute concerning or arising from these Terms of Use and the order terms. |